It all began in my grandmother’s kitchen 50 years ago when the love for eating soup was born. Later I learned how to make soup for my own family and friends. One day in the fall, as I was making soup and thinking for the umpteenth time about the mission possibility of the Martin Luther Church during COVID time, my daughter walked into the kitchen saying:” You sure love making soup.”
“Yes!” I thought. “That is it: Making soup, feeding people who need warmth and a good homemade meal.” An hour later a rough idea was sketched on a piece of paper. A week later all research into guidelines and for funding was done and a preliminary application to the Eastern Synod Mission Fund filled out. Within a month church council had agreed to the overall endeavour and subsequent application.
Biodegradable bowls and spoons were ordered, volunteers signed up and the first bowl of soup was ladled out in front of the Martin Luther Church doors on the first of December 2020. Since then over 250 liters of soup have been served.
We are grateful to Mimico Bagel who supports our food ministry, neighbours who have donating funds, individual sized bottles of hand sanitizer, bread and fruit, warm winter coats, boots and masks (for good) for distribution and most of all to all our volunteers who cook and dare to stand outside in any weather to bring soup and blessings to the neighbourhood.